At Nutrigenomics Wellness, LLC, we strive to assist your body's individualized dynamics to find its healthy homeostasis.
We have been blessed with our bodies and a potential to live our best life. Sometimes, however, our body veers away from its healthy homeostasis when we expose it to chronic stressors, a toxic environment or a poor diet. When this homeostasis becomes compromised, chronic conditions can arise that disrupt our potential or even cripples our lives. Cynthia will work with you to develop an individualized plan of health ‘tweaks’ that holistically addresses your medical history, past toxicant exposures, test data and genetics.
A client Consultation with Cynthia is composed of four parts: an initial review of your data, a personal conversation, an individualized health plan, and a final review and follow-up. First, Cynthia will receive any test data you may have, your genetic report and health history and a brief review of the symptoms you wish to address. Every case is unique and this time allows for Cynthia to prepare for the second part: the preliminary conversation. Here, you, the Client, and Cynthia will spend about two hours discussing your health concerns in more detail; typically, Cynthia will ask for clarification on certain aspects and spend some time explaining how your symptoms link to your health history and genetics. Within two weeks, Cynthia will email you an individualized plan based on your conversation and Cynthia’s expertise. After a few weeks, Clients typically have questions or new health data points from being on the plan: for this reason Cynthia will usually schedule a second, one-hour consultation to go over any issues that may have arisen and tweak the original plan.
Genetic data is a very valuable. Genetic expression however, depends on your personal genetics interacting with your personal environment, diet, gut health (and their ability to assimilate what they eat), cell membrane health, and nervous system health. All aspects of an individual must be addressed.
Time on this Earth, like our health, is precious. Working with Cynthia can involve dietary and lifestyle changes. Although Cynthia can help brainstorm practical ways to implement these changes, she asks that you not work with her if you are not responsibly invested in your health.
Consultations are done via Zoom